Monday, December 7, 2009

Not Me! Monday and a Giveaway!

Not familiar with Not Me! Monday? Head over to MckMama's blog for details on how to join in on the fun!

I would never get ridiculously excited to see snow forcasts for this week. Not me! Who would even rely on the Wii for a weather forcast anyway???? Not me!

I would not then race to the computer to look at two other reliable weather sources only to be devastated when both sources only said rain.

I am a teacher afterall and teachers do not wish to be out of work for snow! Especially in December and on a Monday. The week hasn't even started yet!

I am NOT ready for a snow day already! Not me! Sigh.....

REMEMBER: This weeks giveaway will end Friday evening! Read yesterdays post for details! I can't wait to give away 2 pendants to two lucky winners!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this! Teachers and kids pray for snow days while stay-at-home-moms everywhere say NO SNOW! LOL Love your blog. Really cute design. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It was great having you. Come by anytime.

    Kristi, Hello...Is This On?

    P.S. I'm not spamming you, but I noticed that you don't have a SITS button in your sidebar. If you haven't heard about them, they're a community of women bloggers who are dedicated to visiting each other's blogs and leaving comments. It's a great way to get more traffic to your blog and meet some great women. Just thought I'd share...
